The production program of DOZAMET includes machines suitable for application in small, medium and big foundries. DOZAMET produces 50 kinds of typical machines. Furthermore, it provides mechanized technological stations, automatic moulding lines, sand processing plants, fettling stations and other units.
The range of supplied machinery:
1. Machines and equipment for production of moulds and cores – machines made by DOZAMET for producing casting moulds and cores guarantee high quality products at minimum costs. Depending on the type and size of production the following solutions can be applied:
- single moulding machines,
- moulding stations,
- automatic moulding lines,
- coremaking machines with manual or mechanical collection of cores,
- centrifugal casting machines.
- fluid bed drier-coolers for moulding (and other) sands of capacity 2,5-30 Mg/h,
- turbine, muller and centrifugal mixers for preparation of natural and synthetic moulding sand of capacity 6-100 Mg/h,
- wing mixers for core sand of capacity 0,85-3,4 m3/h,
- edge runner mills of single loading max. 0,25 m3,
- we also supply complete moulding sand processing plants and stations.
- pneumatic apparatus of shot capacity 0,120 m3,
- tumblers of closed type in diameters 600 and 1000 mm and of through type in diameter 2200mm,
- belt, chain or 2-table type airless shot-blasting machines of continuous operation, shot blast chamber of closed type and of through type, and shot blasting machines for steel sheets and rolled sections.